Even the happiest and most stable couples and singles neglect to make space for sensuality, intimacy and connection. Work, kids, life and all of its trappings can easily kill the flow of creative sensuality. Escaping with your partner, another open couple or friends is key to creating space for monogamish play or simply connection without play of any kind.
The larger Monogamish community has a growing number of options for those who seek to explore the world with others of open mind. Whether you travel on a Lifestyle cruise, attend a Lifestyle resort or simply want to have a local overnight adventure, there are always options available for adventurous Monogamish couples and singles.
You just need to know where look for resorts, events and or travel destinations that are designed for sensually open minds. The events and resorts shared are in no way ranked in order of preference or meant as endorsements for each specific listing.
Here are a few of the options available to you.